Street Light Maintenance

Within the municipal boundaries, there are many street light owners including The Municipality of Anchorage, State of Alaska, Chugach Electric, Matanuska Electric, and privately owned systems.  In addition, Street Light Maintenance also maintains 16 storm drain lift stations, 158 thaw wire systems, and approximately 950 load centers.
Reporting a Street Light Problem

For pole down emergencies leave a message with Street Maintenance Dispatch at 343-8277 and it will be automatically forwarded to an on-call responder.


MOA Street Light Hotline: 343-4557
MOA Facilities Maintenance: 343-8465
MOA Transit Maintenance: 343-8171
Street of Alaska DOT: 338-1466

Electrical Utilities
Chugach Electric Hotline: 762-7676
or report online HERE

Matanuska Electric Customer Service: 694-2161

Note: if you do not know the street light owner, please call or email MOA Street Light Maintenance. We will relay the repair request.

Street Light Maintenance

Map Placeholder