MOA Street Maintenance
Snow Plow Information
Scroll down this page for maps and information about snow removal from MOA streets
To see an interactive map showing winter road maintenance responsibility in MOA: CLICK HERE
You can use the app above to search for individual roads.
Please note the following:
- Snow removal from driveways is the responsibility of the property owner. Snow from driveways cannot be shoveled or plowed into the street right-of-way or onto sidewalks. This is a violation of Municipal Code Title 24.80.090 and could result in a citation.
- Please limit on-street parking in all areas during snow plowing and removal operations.
- It is illegal to park vehicles in the middle of a cul-de-sac per Municipal Code Title 9.30.030, A13. Vehicles parked in a cul-de-sac during snow plowing or removal operations may result in a citation and/or towing.
- There may be some deviation in the plowing patterns on trash days.
- Crews are also actively working on MOA maintained trails
MOA maintained main and arterial streets are plowed prior to residential areas. Scroll down to see a map of the main streets.
The map below shows main roads plowed by MOA (before residential streets are cleared). It also shows areas of "Street Widening Efforts".
“Street Widening Efforts” refers to work occurring after the initial plowing. Depending on the snow storage capacity of the right-of-way, the snow can be “pushed back” which is just like it sounds: big wing blades or nose plows pushing the snow back further into the right-of-way. Or it can be “blown back” where a big snow blower blows the snow back further into the right-of-way. In areas where there is no snow storage beyond the right-of-way, the snow can be hauled away.
Snow Removal & Plow Outs
The snow plowing map is only updated when a "plow out" has been declared.
Routine plowing and snow removal information can found on our Street Maintenance website at MOA Street Maintenance
What is a "plow-out?"
After a snowfall of 4 inches or greater, Street Maintenance crews work to clear Main roads as well as Arterial/Collector streets and Municipal trails and sidewalks. Once it stops snowing, and all Main roads and Arterial/Collector streets are finished, a “Plow Out" will be declared. During a “Plow Out", our goal is to have all residential streets plowed at least once within 84 hours. If another snow event of greater than 4 inches occurs while we are in the middle of a declared “Plow Out", the residential plowing will stop, and crews will plow Main roads and Arterial/Collector streets again. The “Plow Out" will then resume after it stops snowing and Main roads and Arterial/Collector streets have been completed.
Please check our map gallery for other Street Maintenance information
State of Alaska Roads
The following roads are maintained by the State of Alaska DOT, you may contact them at 907-338-1466.
Glenn Highway, Debarr Rd, Boniface Prkwy, Airport Heights Dr (from E. 5th Ave to Debarr Rd), Muldoon Rd, Tudor Rd, International Airport Rd, C St, Minnesota Dr., A St., Brayton Dr., Frontage Rd., Homer Dr., New Seward Highway, Old Seward Highway (Dowling to Rabbit Creek), Dowling Rd., Sand Lake Rd, Jewel Lake Rd, Northern Lights (west of Lake Otis to Forest Park Dr.); Elmore Rd (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Rd to Abbott Rd), Raspberry Rd, Potter Dr, Dimond Blvd., O'Malley Rd, Abbott Rd (From Lake Otis to Hillside Dr), Huffman, DeArmoun Rd, Rabbit Creek Rd, Hillside Dr and Birch Rd.
To see the ownership and maintenance for all roads, please go HERE.
If you need immediate assistance, for roads maintained by Anchorage Street Maintenance please call 907-343-8277.
For roads maintained by Eagle River Street Maintenance please call 907-343-1510.