MOA Street Ownership
Street Ownership
The Municipality of Anchorage has a combination of owners and maintenance providers for streets. These maps will help explain who owns and who maintains the streets. The Service Area, Limited Road Service Area or Rural Road Service area will determine how each road is maintained.
The types of service areas defines what is provided:
- Limited Road Service Area (LRSA) has limited authority to provide basic road maintenance in the form of grading, dust control, brushing, culvert thawing and replacement, ditching, limited use of tax funds for authorized basic road maintenance services. LRSA’s do not have the ability to save tax funds for capital road projects. Most road service areas on the hillside are LRSA’s.
- Rural Road Service Areas (RRSA) has authority to provide basic road maintenance, to make capital road improvements and to save for capital road projects.
- Service Areas (SA) has authority to provide basic road maintenance, to make capital road improvements and to save for capital road projects. In addition, the SA may have other authority, such as fire protection and rescue, and parks and recreation.
The streets on this map are colored by the agency that owns the road. The shaded areas represent the service areas for the roads and include the contact information for that area.
Streets Ownership
Maintenance by Season
Street maintenance providers change for the winter and summer seasons. Below find maps for both winter and summer service providers.
Winter Maintenance Providers
During the winter season (October through May) Street Maintenance crews work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week providing snow plowing, snow removal, ice prevention, and de-icing on Municipal maintained streets and sidewalks. During this time, rights-of-way are reserved for snow storage. These right-of-way areas may extend seven or more feet beyond the road's edge. To learn more about rights-of-way call 343-8240, or click on the following link: Right-of-Way
De-Icing and Anti-Icing
The Street Maintenance Division has implemented new maintenance methods for preventing ice buildup and de-icing on the city streets. These methods are becoming more popular in both Canada and the United States.
Magnesium Chloride is used in limited quantities throughout the Municipality of Anchorage. Magnesium chloride is less toxic to plant life surrounding roadways than other compounds. The liquid magnesium chloride is sprayed on dry pavement prior to precipitation or wet pavement prior to freezing temperatures in the winter months to prevent snow and ice from adhering and bonding to the roadway.
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) may be applied to the pavement surface as anti-icing or de-icing agent.
The following Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides facts on Magnesium Chloride. To view the MSDS Fact Sheet, click on the link below.
Snow Plowing and Removal
After a snowfall, Street Maintenance crews typically have snow plowed within 72 hours. This is referred to as a “Plow-Out." As the snow is plowed, crews begin removing and hauling the snow to designated snow storage sites. This cycle will continue after every major snow fall.
Click on the following link to find your area on the Plow-Out Map, or to check the status of current Plow-Outs.
- Snow removal from driveways is the responsibility of the property owner. Snow from driveways cannot be shoveled or plowed into the street right-of-way or onto sidewalks. This is a violation of Municipal Code Title 24.80.090 and could result in a citation.
- Please limit on-street parking in all areas during snow plowing and removal operations.
- It is illegal to park vehicles in the middle of a cul-de-sac per Municipal Code Title 9.30.030, A13. Vehicles parked in a cul-de-sac during snow plowing or removal operations may result in a citation and/or towing.
- There may be some deviation in the plowing patterns on trash days.
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT), maintains most major road ways within the Municipality of Anchorage. For comments or questions regarding the winter state maintained roads, please contact the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities at: 338-1466. To view a map of the State Maintained Roads, click on the following Link: State Maintained Roads or State of Alaska Web Map - Snow Plowing Priorities
If you have a question or need assistance, you may contact us at 343-8277.
Streets Winter Maintenance
Summer Maintenance Providers
The transition from winter to summer maintenance is usually complete by mid-May. With the short summer season here in Alaska, Anchorage Street Maintenance crews are tasked with multiple maintenance and repair projects that must be completed in a limited amount of time. Asphalt repair is probably the most important maintenance responsibility as the harsh winter conditions are extremely damaging to city streets. Street Maintenance crews are also responsible for clearing brush from rights-of-way, sweeping streets, grading roads and alleys and maintaining storm drains and drainage systems.
Streets Summer Maintenance